З дитинства нас програмують і показують у казках, що гриб злий, поганий та ворог організму людини.

Зла Баба Яга та дрімучі ліси асоціюються у дітей із чимось страшним, негативним, небезпечним. Але чи це так насправді? Давайте розумітися.
Візьмемо, наприклад, таку ситуацію:

Зустрічаються дві людини: перша давно знайома з мухомором, його користю для організму та іншим. Другий досі пам'ятає «страшні історії» про смерть від мухомора.
І тут перший з'їдає маленький капелюшок. Реакція другого?
Этот красивый и самый яркий гриб вовсе не стоит воспринимать как врага! Почему?

Во-первых, для летального исхода нужно съесть ~5кг свежих грибов, что невозможно чисто физически. Да и организм не дурак: вас попросту начнёт тошнить уже после первой сырой шляпы.

Во-вторых, не зря дикие животные употребляют мухомор, чтобы справиться с недугами. Например, лисы, медведи и лоси едят его в качестве отличного средства по избавлению от всех кишечных паразитов.

Ну и в-третьих, ещё наши предки считали мухомор священным грибом, а иногда даже и Божеством. Употребляли его как в лечении, как в шаманизме, так и в качестве «пива по пятницам».
Отсюда имеем: мухомор — друг!

С чего начать знакомство с мухомором?
Мы советуем микродозинг красного мухомора, он идеально подходит новичкам. Не бойтесь переборщить — внутри каждой капсулы точно вымеренная дозировка в 0,5 грамма. Начните с курса на 1 или 2 месяца — за это время можно не только увидеть первые результаты, но и отследить реакцию организма на МДМ.

Знакомство с мухомором
— «Ти ШТО, ти ж у КРАЩОМУ випадку сильно отруїшся… ти що, мазохіст, самогубець?!»
На цьому етапі перший пояснює другому всю користь гриба, його історію та розповідає про кількість, корисну для вживання.

Далі у другого відбувається звичне «заперечення – гнів – торг…»
Коли він сягає фінального пункту «прийняття», сам починає цікавитися грибом, читати статті, книжки і, зазвичай, пробує сам.

Підійшовши відповідально до вивчення цієї теми, людина зрештою розуміє, наскільки глибоко і дарма у ньому сиділа думка, що мухомор — ворог.

This beautiful and colorful mushroom should not be perceived as an enemy at all! Why?

First of all, to be poisoned, you need to eat ~5 kg of fresh mushrooms, which is physically impossible. And the body is not stupid: You will simply start to feel sick after the first raw hat.

Secondly, it's not for nothing that wild animals use fly agaric to cope with ailments. For example, foxes, bears, and moose eat it as a great way to get rid of all intestinal parasites.

And thirdly, our ancestors considered the fly agaric to be a sacred mushroom, sometimes even a deity. They used it both for medicinal purposes, shamanism, and as a "Friday beer."
Hence, we can say: fly agaric is a friend!

How to start getting acquainted with fly agaric?
We recommend a mix of red fly agaric and crested ergot, which is ideal for beginners. You will not only get the calmness of the fly agaric, but also improve brain function thanks to the stonecrop. Don't be afraid to overdo it - there is a precisely measured dosage of 0.5 grams inside each capsule. Start with a 1 or 2 month course - during this time, you can not only see the first results, but also track the body's response to microdosing.

Since childhood, we have been programmed and shown in fairy tales that the mushroom is evil, bad, and an enemy of the human body.

Children associate the evil Baba Yaga and dense forests with something scary, negative, and dangerous. But is it really so? Let's find out.
Let's take the following situation, for example:
Two people meet: the first has long been familiar with fly agaric, its benefits for the body, and so on. The second one still remembers "horror stories" about death from fly agaric.
And then the first one eats a small hat. What is the second one's reaction?
— "What are you doing, you're going to get severely poisoned at BEST... are you a masochist, a suicide?"
At this stage, the first person explains to the second all the benefits of the mushroom, its history, and tells him about the amount that needs to be consumed to make it useful for consumption.
Then the second person goes through the usual "denial - anger - bargaining..."
When he reaches the final point of "acceptance," he begins to take an interest in the mushroom, read articles and books, and usually tries it himself.
Having taken a responsible approach to studying this topic, a person eventually realizes how deeply and in vain he or she had the idea that the fly agaric was an enemy.

Getting to know the fly agaric

Безопасность и эффективность мухомора подтверждается и в независимых исследованиях. О положительных результатах собственных испытаний сообщает миколог, кандидат биологических наук Михаил Вишневский.

Еще одно большое независимое испытание проводилось путем сбора статистики среди 3000 потребителей микродозинга мухоморов в 2015-2020г.

Остановимся на последнем исследовании поподробнее.

Опрос проводился путем сбора информации через специальные сервисы-анкеты, где манипуляции с количеством участников невозможны (один голос - один профайл). В анкете было ровно 67 развернутых вопросов, основанных на медицинском опыте исследователя.

Перейдём же к ключевым тезисам и вырезкам из исследований. Начнём с самых "ошеломительных" результатов эксперимента.
Цитирование материала:

"Для меня был абсолютным открытием положительный в 67% случаях эффект ММ на псориаз, который практически не поддается лечению по моему врачебному опыту."

"Нет ни одного препарата в мировой практике, который дает в 33% полный отказ от ракетного топлива. ММ оказали влияние на употребление алкоголя в 86% случаев."

"Положительное влияние ММ на депрессию, вне зависимости от этиологии, в 79% -- беспрецедентно. В отличии от антидепрессантов, ММ не превращает пациента в зомби, не вызывает привыкания и дает пролонгированный эффект без постоянного употребления."

"ММ, как эффективное снотворное средство, без привыкания в 73%, а также регуляция сна и стабильность полученного эффекта после прекращения курса ошеломительно."

Про основной блок исследования и ключевые тезисы внутри:
Общая оценка курса ММ оценена пользователями положительно в 96% случаев . Эффект ММ оказался стабильным в 77% случаев . Синдром отмены после курса ММ не присутствовал в 73%

Обязательно изучите материал перед использованием курса "независимое испытание"

In 2022, Psyched Wellness Ltd continued to study the toxicity of the fly agaric. This time, the trial lasted 90 days, and scientists again concluded that the mushroom extract was safe.

Back in 1993, the Institute of Nutrition of Japan developed a method of processing fly agaric that completely eliminates toxic substances from the raw material. We use their recommendations when creating our products.

Studies confirming the effectiveness of fly agaric in improving cognitive function were conducted at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Latvia. Muscimol has been shown to be an agonist of an important neurotransmitter in the brain: gamma-aminobutyric acid. It improves memory and learning ability, which means it is a promising substance for the treatment of brain dysfunctions, including Alzheimer's disease.

Безпека та ефективність мухомору підтверджується і в незалежних дослідженнях. Про позитивні результати власних випробувань повідомляє міколог, кандидат біологічних наук Михайло Вишневський.

Ще одне велике незалежне випробування проводилося шляхом збирання статистики серед 3000 споживачів мікродозингу мухоморів у 2015-2020р.

Зупинимося на останньому дослідженні докладніше.

Опитування проводилося шляхом збору інформації через спеціальні сервіси-анкети, де маніпуляції з кількістю учасників неможливі (один голос – один профайл). В анкеті було рівно 67 розгорнутих питань, заснованих на медичному досвіді дослідника.
Перейдемо ж до ключових тез та вирізок із досліджень. Почнемо з найбільш "приголомшливих" результатів експерименту.
Цитування матеріалу:

"Для мене був абсолютним відкриттям позитивний у 67% випадках ефект ММ на псоріаз, який практично не піддається лікуванню на мій лікарський досвід."

"Немає жодного препарату у світовій практиці, який дає у 33% повну відмову від ракетного палива. ММ вплинули на вживання алкоголю у 86% випадків."

"Позитивний вплив ММ на депресію, незалежно від етіології, у 79% - безпрецедентно. На відміну від антидепресантів, ММ не перетворює пацієнта на зомбі, не викликає звикання і дає пролонгований ефект без постійного вживання."

"ММ, як ефективний снодійний засіб, без звикання в 73%, а також регулювання сну та стабільність отриманого ефекту після припинення курсу приголомшливо."

Для основного блоку дослідження і ключові тези всередині:
Загальна оцінка курсу ММ оцінена користувачами позитивно у 96% випадків. Ефект ММ виявився стабільним у 77% випадків. Синдром відміни після курсу ММ не був у 73%

Обов'язково вивчіть матеріал перед використанням курсу "незалежне випробування"
Scientific studies confirm the safety of fly agaric for the human body. It is considered as a treatment for Alzheimer's disease and epilepsy. In this article, we will tell you what science knows about fly agaric at the moment.

Fly agaric in mycology
We also quote in this block:
Mykhailo Vyshnevsky is a mycologist, PhD in biology. Author of popular science books about mushrooms, ethnomycologist.

"MM (fly agaric microdosing) means "leveling" of mood, absence of depression and panic attacks, normalization of sleep, and serious reduction or even abandonment of bad habits (alcohol and smoking)."
Research on the properties of fly agaric

Fly agaric has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. It was used to make ointments for wound healing, tinctures for internal use, and to treat inflammation. Our ancestors drew conclusions about its medicinal properties from observing animals that were cured by eating fly agaric. Modern research proves these observations.

The Canadian company Psyched Wellness Ltd observed the effect of an extract of fly agaric containing muscimol on animals for 14 days. The results showed that the processed fly agaric is safe and has no side effects.

After the release of this study in 2021, Health Canada included fly agaric in the register of medicinal health products.

"The second most frequent group of gratitude is the effect of MM as a tonic and activator of life processes. People get more done, become more active, focused, and positive. They are better able to work in multitasking conditions, and their stress resistance in a big city increases. Such feedback is about 15%.

"Rare but very pleasant feedback is the normalization of the work of internal organs. By the way, sometimes the normalization is preceded by a period of exacerbation of pain, fly agaric "shows" sore spots before treatment comes. pancreatitis, colitis, tonsillitis and otitis media. This also includes old muscle and joint pains, as well as recovery after competitions in athletes."

"We should also mention the work of fly agaric microdosing with the skin. Atopic dermatitis, eczema are significantly alleviated or disappear not only from the use of fly agaric cream externally, but also from fly agaric microdosing as a systemic therapy."

Дослідження властивостей мухомору

У медичних цілях мухомор використовують із давніх-давен. З нього робили мазі для загоєння ран, настоянки для вживання всередину та лікування запалень. Висновки про лікувальні властивості наші предки зробили зі спостереження за тваринами, які виліковувалися, з'їдаючи мухомори. Сучасні дослідження доводять ці спостереження.

Канадська компанія Psyched Wellness Ltd протягом 14 днів спостерігала вплив екстракту мухомору, що містить мусцимол на тварин. За результатами було встановлено, що оброблений мухомор безпечний і не має побічних ефектів.

Після виходу цього дослідження 2021 року міністерство охорони здоров'я Канади включило мухомор до реєстру лікарських товарів для здоров'я.

The safety and efficacy of fly agaric has been confirmed in independent studies. Mycologist Mykhailo Vyshnevsky, PhD, reports positive results of his own tests.

Another large independent trial was conducted by collecting statistics among 3000 consumers of fly agaric microdosing in 2015-2020.

Let's take a closer look at the latter study.

The survey was conducted by collecting information through special questionnaire services, where manipulation of the number of participants is impossible (one vote - one profile). The questionnaire contained exactly 67 detailed questions based on the researcher's medical experience.

В 2022 год Psyched Wellness Ltd продолжил свое исследование токсичности мухомора. На этот раз испытание длилось 90 дней, а ученые вновь пришли к выводу о безопасности экстракта гриба.

Институт питания Японии еще в 1993 году вывел способ обработки мухоморов, который полностью избавляет сырье от токсичных веществ. Их рекомендациями мы пользуемся при создании своей продукции.

Исследования, подтверждающие эффективность мухомора для улучшения когнитивных функций, проводились на медицинском факультете Латвийского университета. Было доказано, что мусцимол — агонист важного нейромедиатора в мозге: гамма-аминомасляной кислоты. Он улучшает память и способность обучений, а значит, это перспективное вещество для лечения дисфункций мозга, в том числе, болезни Альцгеймера.

Let's move on to the key theses and research clippings. Let's start with the most "stunning" results of the experiment.
To quote:

"For me, it was an absolute discovery to see the positive 67% effect of MM on psoriasis, which is practically untreatable in my medical experience."

"There is not a single drug in the world practice that gives 33% complete rejection of rocket fuel. MM influenced alcohol consumption in 86% of cases."

"The positive impact of MM on depression, regardless of etiology, in 79% is unprecedented. Unlike antidepressants, MM does not turn the patient into a zombie, is not addictive and has a prolonged effect without constant use."

"MM, as an effective hypnotic, is 73% non-addictive, and the sleep regulation and stability of the effect after the course is stopped is amazing."

For the main body of the study and key takeaways, see below:
The overall evaluation of the MM course was positive in 96% of cases. The MM effect was stable in 77% of cases. There was no withdrawal symptoms after the MM course in 73% of cases

Be sure to study the material before using the "independent test" course
№1 Healthy sleep
One of the main reasons for taking this drug orally is to improve sleep. In the everyday world, we often face frequent nightmares, constant lethargy, and fatigue. That is why most subsequent health problems arise - a person begins to get sick often, may gain weight dramatically, or vice versa - lose appetite. To avoid this condition, you should take fly agaric. Eating it in the morning will give you an extra boost of energy that works better than coffee. You will be full of strength and energy, so you will definitely sleep better by the end of the day. If you take it before bed, your sleep will be deeper and more relaxed, so you'll have seven hours of sleep. And dreams after taking it are usually very realistic and vivid.
Medicinal effects
fly agaric
№2 Removal of alcohol dependence
According to the research, 36% will fail completely. Stable result in 66% of respondents. Thanks to the use of fly agaric on a regular basis, it is possible to avoid such a problem as post-alcohol syndrome. The feeling of mental dependence on alcohol is eliminated. All these processes will be painless, the body will be cleansed of harmful toxins and the desire to start drinking alcohol again will disappear.
№3 Awareness
The most important thing is the new taste of life. Many people noted that food really tasted better, and you can fully control your appetite. The same applies to excess weight, because it can be easily lost by taking the drug. This treatment option is perfect for people who are used to living in a constant rush to eat and drink, so they give in to the flow of a busy rhythm. After a few sessions of taking the drug, many people noted an awareness of their desires. You eat only what you really want to eat, and in doses that are enough to fill you up. In this way, you can easily come to a full understanding of your body's needs and focus on your internal sensations. This also applies to many everyday things - with a clear head, projects are easier to complete, and new ideas for solving complex problems come to mind. The main effect of the drug is anti-stress, so it is perfect for workaholics who may often not notice any bad habits.
Fly agaric has a positive effect on the entire body. As practice has shown, long-term use of fly agaric, in a dosage of no more than 1 gram per day, helps to get rid of a large number of ailments.
№4 Normalizes all body systems
№5 Immunity and vitality
Regular use of dried fly agaric can boost immunity and increase resistance to viral infections. Ordering fly agaric is especially important during the cold and flu season.
№6 Fighting nicotine addiction
Thanks to dried fly agaric, you can give up such a bad habit as smoking. They help to reduce cravings, remove nicotine from the body, and relieve psychological dependence. According to research, 65% of respondents were able to quit smoking in this way and not return to it again. The important point is that there is no substitution effect and no new addiction!
№7 Improves performance
Fly agaric microdosing helps to combat stress, has a positive effect on brain activity, improves memory, concentration, and helps to absorb more information.
№8 Increase self-confidence
This is one of the most visible effects. Clamps and insecurities disappear. You feel yourself in a different body, where there is no stiffness and fear. All movements are calm and measured. It's as if your character is at a completely different level of development and confidence. This effect is most likely due to the strong relaxation of the nervous system.
Надходить здоровий голод до інформації. Причому різного роду, у тому числі містичної та духовної. Хочеться більше читати, вивчати та розвиватися. З'являється нестандартний погляд на світ і більш креативно підходиш до вирішення різноманітних завдань.
№9 Creativity and desire to learn
№10 Acceptance
You start to understand people better, become more open and empathetic. You are no longer annoyed by their opinions and worldview. You start to think from the position of "I may not know something", "Everyone lives as they want and I have no right to judge". As a rule, this removes a huge number of automatic negative reactions that used to lead to stress, but not after taking fly agaric.
№11 Depression and anxiety
Everything that has been taken before fly agaric is not even close to the effect it has. Many people say that after a microdose of fly agaric, they feel cheerful and euphoric. Within 4-5 days, the level of stress and anxiety is greatly reduced. It feels like you've been pressed the "Turn off stress" button. You begin to feel the moment here and now, more talkative and friendly. In the evening, the effect is even more pronounced and you seem to fall asleep.
Many effects cannot be listed here because they can be very individualized. But the most important thing is that everyone who takes it finds a lot of beneficial properties. In the next section, we will look at fly agaric in terms of research and various scientific data.
Stories of real people who have tried microdosing of fly agaric and crested urchin

I have been drinking red fly agaric for 2 months since May 18. However, sometimes 1 per day, so I just finished today. I am 45 years old. I used to suffer from knee pain, I couldn't get up from the couch if I sat with my knees tucked under me, even for a few minutes, I couldn't disperse them for a long time. I also had problems with sleep. I couldn't fall asleep for a long time, I woke up often in the middle of the night, my sensitivity to sounds was increased, so I slept with earplugs and needed sleeping pills and sedatives. Towards the end of the first course of treatment, I noticed changes in my body. I can't say exactly how long it took for the effect to set in, because I suddenly realized that my knees didn't hurt and that I could sit with them tucked in and easily stretch my legs. After I had washed a 2-storey building on my knees, I realized that the effect was there. I also became calmer and my sleep improved. It took me 2 weeks to get enough sleep, I started falling asleep faster, I started having dreams and realized that I could do without earplugs. Now I have ordered more lion mane. As for my mother, she is 69 years old, has joint problems and sleep problems, like many elderly people. I persuaded her to try drinking it. The only thing that didn't help was the problems with papillomas, until they disappeared, and I was counting on this effect of the fly agaric.

Greetings. I would like to share my personal experience with lion mane. I have been on the same page with him since 2019. I learned about this mushroom from mycologist Paul Stemets, and it took off. The mushroom is indeed a nootropic, it helps neurogenesis, that is, it stimulates the formation of nerve cells in the central nervous system. How does it do this? The chemistry of the fungus stimulates the production of myelin, a substance (or rather, a structure) that covers the axons in our brain. It is the shell through which a signal passes from one neuron to another. And then: bang - and you understand/think/remember something. So it's literally a lubricant that spreads the nerve impulse. Over the years, this lubricant is depleted. Especially if there has been a negative impact (smoking/alcohol/drugs/stresses of the big city). As a result, forgetfulness occurs, which develops into senile diseases. One day, my mom started to order. Repeating the same things in conversations. I ordered her a few jars for the course. The effect was not long in coming. It's been a year since the first appointment, and everything is fine. My mother still recalls how she received all sorts of clues in her dreams while taking the course. For example, an automatic spinning wheel and camel's hair appeared at home. She sat down to use it, but it didn't work. She poked and prodded, went to bed, and in her dream saw how to do it. She woke up, picked up the spinning wheel and repeated it. Everything worked out, and I'm waiting for socks to be made from this yarn:) Personally, I work with information. Sometimes I have to let large amounts of it go through me. Taking lion mane helped me to see the structure of information, text, and what's behind it all in a different and deeper way. I can see and feel the holes in the text, in the logic, in the information strategy. It's really cool to feel this. After the covid, blackberries were in my first aid kit. I took the course. I restored my resources. It is still very interesting to learn something new with blackberries. At this time, shamanic tambourines, drums, and vocals came into my life. Neurogenesis at its best :) I highly recommend lion mane for pumping brain oil. It's really about the depth of awareness and literally about a different quality of life. Perception is in control.

The Mukhomor Bulletin is getting more and more sophisticated. The fact that it's micro-dosing is a great thing. The fact that it's micro indicates a small dosage in itself. Not with a shovelful at once. But step by step in depth. Slap, slap, ek-macarok. As programs are turned off, old habits are also turned off. Yesterday I looked at my wardrobe and thought: who bought all these things? Today I went to my Instagram friends' feed and felt connections that were no longer alive. They were not mine at all. People I'm not interested in. At the same time, there was another thing: some accounts felt like family. Even though they are old farts with whom I haven't talked in ages, and I haven't bothered to delete them. We'll see what happens. Now I'm working with a group of guys, editing their texts. It's a strange thing how much I feel their programs through what they write. And how clearly I can show them something that cannot be seen through the text. Fly agarics definitely open some kind of eye. Castaneda talked about the tentacles that grew in the abdomen. Let me put it this way: the sensations are more voluminous, the vision is more piercing. And now I look and see myself. My strength. And the order of things around me. And you know what? I'm okay. I stopped jerking myself off, stopped worrying, stopped feeling guilty about imperfections. Because if it's all right, it means I'm fine. And if it's not okay, then you can always do it differently. And this step of realization is the strongest so far. It's so simple, though, isn't it? For me, it is the same simplicity that is always in front of my eyes, yes. And until you live it, this meaning is not alive. And it turns out that you run from some meanings all your life. It's very superficial... Everything is waiting for its time, for the Spirit to come. The fly agaric is a conductor of the Spirit.

I'll write about my condition after 2 weeks of taking red) The first 3 days I had a terrible headache. But this is normal for me. So to speak, a side effect of mental work). Now the headaches are gone, I don't have nightmares (Oh, Gods ....). My dreams are vivid, interesting, positive). My nerves have improved a bit. During the appointment, I had to take a blood test for prolactin. It was three times higher than normal. With the fly agaric, it dropped by half. Not to normal, but still) Yes, I want to write about alcohol separately. If I plan a feast in the evening, I take 2-3 capsules in the morning. In the evening, I stop taking fly agaric. I do not drink strong alcohol. But after a bottle of dry red, I feel cheerful in the morning))) Otherwise, everything is as it was. I don't feel euphoric, high, depressed, relaxed, etc. Everything is as usual, except for the headaches that have gone away and the nightmares that were exhausting.

I've had spring allergies for 8 years now, and I haven't checked for what exactly, because I'm not interested. I haven't taken pills for four years now, I've been consciously going into this state and every year the symptoms are getting less and less. This year, I started the course of MDM plus Lion Mane in advance, and when it was time for allergies, I felt only a mild manifestation of allergy symptoms, which is practically absent. I have studied a lot of literature on allergies, and in general, it is always psychosomatics. It is directly related to brain function and directly to GABA. And muscarine (the active ingredient in fly agaric) is a GABA agonist that directly affects the production of histamine, which is responsible for the immune response in the form of an allergic reaction. Taking antihistamines leads to the blocking of histamine receptors, which in turn inhibits the central nervous system and generally reduces the efficiency of the brain, as it acts as an excitatory mediator. All allergy sufferers are familiar with the drowsy reaction to pills. And fly agaric, being not an antagonist but a GABA agonist, improves the production of some neurotransmitters, including histamine. I tried to keep it simple, but detailed for those for whom it may be important.

Thanks a lot to my son, who insisted that I start taking muhomor It was: paranoia, panic attacks, wild animal behavior (which I will deliberately omit); mood swings, what is called in the open, drinking alcohol in moderation Now I look at myself and evaluate what neurasthenics I was and communication with me was not always pleasant It became much easier to communicate with people, that is, I thought that I could talk, it turned out that no. I used to just mute the answer in my head, now I just open my mouth and tell the person what I'm thinking about FULLY gone paranoid thoughts and panic attacks, I've even begun to forget how THIS used to happen when it was so overwhelming that it was a pain in the ass! So screw all the psychotherapists with their chemistry Mood is even, mostly positive, to many things and many began to relate more easily, to get me out of myself must try very hard and without much result. I have stopped watching TV (I strongly advise everybody to do so also), i.e. I do not have it now. I bought a tablet and watch soap operas and movies from it, that's it, no news and no talk shows! It became much easier to regulate the phases of sleep and wakefulness, i.e. if I need to not sleep - easy, if I need to get up earlier - also easy, but! then the body will require a full rest in the form of sleep 8-10 hours (it's amazing itself happens, before so much did not sleep) Well and after all, alcohol for me and before was not a problem, but now I am almost indifferent to it, i.e. I can drink on holidays ( and d.r.) a glass, another, but no more, simply do not pull, I do not feel the need for it All health and thanks for finishing read

We started the second month of red with my husband. Before that, it was a red and lion mane month. What can I say? We have become calmer. Things that would have exploded before are somehow not annoying now. Some kind of philosophical attitude to what is happening around. My husband has become calm about work. Before, he used to go to the fly farm as if it were hard labor, come home and go into hibernation, but now he comes in the evening and hangs out in the yard and garage. We both have a lot more energy. And then there are the aches and pains. Since April, I have been suffering with my back - a herniated disc, a compressed nerve. For almost a month I was injected with hormones without any results. A couple of weeks after starting to take fly agaric, the pain went away and I stopped limping. There were problems with the liver. After the bile duct was removed 20 years ago, there was a constant spasm of the sphincter of Oddi, bile stagnated, constant pain in the right hypochondrium. This also went away, I did not notice when. My husband has not been drinking for two months, although he used to drink a couple of glasses every night with dinner. As for smoking, nothing has changed yet - we smoke like locomotives. But hope dies last.

I want to tell you about myself, maybe it will be interesting for your observations. I am 59 years old (age should probably also be taken into account), I started taking fly agaric after covid, because my head was not clear, and insomnia was terrible for me. I defeated insomnia, I take a pill and sleep like a baby, but if suddenly this pill is not available, then everything is a night of thinking about life and the current situation in the world, about some minor family problems and anything else that prevents me from living peacefully. In addition to getting rid of insomnia, I forgot about the leg pain that I have always had for many years, my head became clear, I stopped forgetting, I got rid of anxiety (for any reason), I now look at things happening around me without hysterics, without immediate participation, as an observer, this allows me to assess everything correctly and find the right solution. Thank you for the mushrooms! It's a pity we didn't have a mushroom summer, otherwise I would have dried up some fly agarics.

I was diagnosed with necrosis of the hip joint, I didn't take any medications and underwent any procedures, I didn't really hope for fly agaric, but decided to try it, after 3 days of use I felt several times better. Now I can walk without crutches and the joint has recovered by 85% in 1.5 months of using fly agaric in capsules and adjusting the fly agaric. However, I mixed fly agaric with medications, mainly anti-inflammatory drugs. I also used a diet, namely the rejection of sugar in any of its manifestations and flour in any of its manifestations. I also suffered from insomnia, and here it helped me, and I completely restored my sleep patterns. In general, fly agaric works differently with each person. It is recommended to drink it continuously for 2-3 months, and then stop for 1-2 months to understand whether fly agaric works with you or not, if after 2-3 months you did not feel anything and nothing happened after the pause, then do not bother yourself, maybe everything is fine with you. It can simply strengthen your immune system and give you a little energy, and if you are naturally energetic, you won't even notice it.
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